**Allen Onyema: The Mirage of Air Peace Unveiled**

Yo, listen up! If you’ve got your ears to the ground and your eyes on the skies, you’ve probably heard the tales buzzing around about Allen Onyema, the big boss at Air Peace. But wait, it’s time to lift the veil and expose the mysterious continent-shaking saga that screams betrayal, wit, and irony. So, buckle up, because this ain’t your standard industry post — this is the explosive real-deal Unmasked Slaylebrity -style deep dive!

### The Beginnings: A Storm is Brewing

Between 2010 and 2018, Allen Onyema was not just taking frequent flights across the Atlantic; he was orchestrating a well-composed symphony of dollars, direct into his Atlanta-based stashes. Imagine this: over $44.9 million casually meandered into U.S. accounts, with no substantial business to anchor this free-flowing green tide. Yo, folks, Air Peace wasn’t even a dream back then! It popped into existence in 2014. So from 2010 to the birth of his airline empire, millions danced across the ocean — for what? A new African Dream? Or an elaborate financial mirage?

### From Calm to Chaos: Enter Air Peace

Now here’s where it starts getting spicy! The man, the myth, the mogul: Allen, being the shrewd businessman he is, shifted gears. By 2014, with Air Peace taxied and ready for takeoff, Onyema eyed something more — the currency game.

Let’s paint the scene: He goes to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and requests $20 million big ones. Why? To buy five Boeings — the high-flying ticket to Air Peace’s expansion. The Naira equivalent goes through, and bam! The $20 million lands straight into his Fidelity account before winging its way to the U.S.

### The Plot Twist: The Soaring Illusion

Enter Springfield Aviation Company LLC — sounds grand, doesn’t it? Registered in Georgia, it was the supposed seller of Onyema’s aircraft dreams. But here’s the kicker: Springfield was nothing more than a front, a smoke screen, an illusion owned and controlled by…. you guessed it — Allen Onyema himself! With some puppet management holding the strings, Springfield’s paper planes never took to the skies. No Boeings, no aircraft. Just fake documents and an elaborate web to procure foreign exchange at the official rate.

### The Unmasking: An Empire of Shadows

What we witness here isn’t just a tale of aviation and ambition. It’s a perfect conspiracy, a House of Cards collapsing as Allen Onyema’s tale unravels. From thrilling foreign accounts and fake businesses to the unmasking of a narrative too bold to remain hidden — this is the stuff of legends and cautionary tales that echo through corporate corridors.

As the U.S. authorities sniffed out irregularities, each hidden dollar, fictitious document, and strategic move pointed towards a meticulously orchestrated operation gone rogue. No planes, no gain, just ground-breaking revelations!

### The Takeaway

In a world rampant with financial gymnastics, let’s not paint all dreamers with the same brush, but how about we learn from this rollercoaster? Advance with integrity, aim high, but remember: the truth always finds its way through the clouds.

Stay woke, my Unmasked Slaylebrity tribe. In the game of fearlessly navigating your financial jets, stay authentic, or risk crashing into the dreaded terrain of deception.

And there you have it — the myth, the drama, and the truth, straight-up Andrew Tate style! Keep your minds razor-sharp, and always question the smoke and mirrors of large empires and big promises. Because in the high-stakes chess game of business, the cleverest move is seeing through the illusion before it falls apart.

Remember, Unmasked Slaylebrity tribe , let the sky be your limit, not your downfall. Fly bold, fly right!

A deeper dive by Chukwudi Iwuchkwu

Let me explain what Allen did here.

2016 was a crazy year in Nigeria; it was the year that the dollar was scarce and was also sold higher in the black market.

So businessmen like Allen Onyema that had access collected dollars from CBN at the official rate only to repatriate the money back to Nigeria and then resell at the black market rate, which was double of the money spent to buy the dollar.

So you buy a dollar at 200 to $ and then resell it at 400 to $1 without breaking a sweat.

A very cool business at that time that was highly lucrative, which highly connected businessmen at that time did under Buhari only that Allen Onyema was unlucky to be the scape goat.

Even though Allen Onyema was trying to be street smart by doing what he did, moving money around like that and using it for another purpose different from the reason CBN gave it to you is called money laundering in the US and a very big offence in that country.

So in a nutshell, Allen Onyema and his staff committed the offence of money laundering, and this case has been on since 2019.

Seeing that the US government is looking for him and his bank account in the US, which has millions of dollars, was frozen, Allen and his staff committed another offence called obstruction of justice, which is what we would discuss in Part 3.

Part 3

But in a desperate attempt to keep the funds and outsmart the U.S. law enforcement, Mr. Onyema connived with Mrs. Eghagha to create a fraudulent contract, “Aircraft Sales and Management Agreement between Springfield Aviation and Air Peace,” in May 2019. They backdated the contract to 2016 to make it seem like the contract existed before the first aircraft purchase.

In May 2019, upon discovering that he was under investigation in the Northern District of Georgia for bank fraud, Onyema and Eghagha allegedly directed the Springfield Aviation manager to sign a key business contract but also specifically told her to not date the document.

In October 2019, Onyema allegedly caused his attorneys to present that same contract, now falsely dated as being signed on May 5, 2016 (prior to the bank fraud that began in 2016), to the government in an effort to stop the investigation and unfreeze his bank accounts.

Mr. Onyema and his staff, Mrs. Eghagha, then gave the fraudulent contract to their lawyer, who, in turn, submitted it to the U.S. Attorney’s office, where he explained that his client’s actions were not criminal to warrant a forfeiture of assets.

The act of falsifying documents to prevent forfeiture of the seized funds, according to the grand jury, was deemed a conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice.

In essence, Allen and his staff presented a fake document to the US government in order to cover their tracks, which is another entirely new offence.

Investigators found that Mrs. Eghagha sent a mail to Ms. Mayfield to sign the management agreement with a strict instruction stating “do not date.”

“Kindly help, print, and sign the attached document,” Mrs. Eghagha wrote in the mail on May 16, 2019, coping with Mr. Onyema. “Do not date, please.”

“Once you have signed, kindly scan back to me. Let me know via WhatsApp if you have any questions,” she added in the mail.

Ms. Mayfield did as instructed and resent the scanned contract to Mrs. Eghagha on May 17, 2019.

Mr. Onyema “caused his attorney J.H. to send” the fraudulent contract to the U.S. Attorney’s office “with the hopes of resolving the government’s concern and bringing the matter to a close.” The Air Peace CEO had intended for the contract to free him of any pending forfeiture proceeding.

The phrase “caused his attorney J.H.” suggests that Mr. Onyema’s lawyer may have testified against his client that he was not complicit in submitting forged documents to free his client’s assets.

It is illegal for a lawyer and his client to knowingly commit fraud, as doing so would nullify attorney-client privilege, thereby activating the crime fraud exception.

The fresh set of charges of obstructing justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice has resurrected what would have otherwise been a cold case of money-laundering against the Air Peace boss.

So in a nutshell

Allen Onyema’s alleged offences are categorised into 2

1) Money laundering.

2) Falsifying documents in order to obstruct justice

That Allen Onyema was a victim of this schoolboy error as a businessman is simply because Air Peace did not have a corporate structure and a robust board of directors in place before the first case of the Money laundering case happened in 2016.

Because if they do, the board won’t have authorised Allen Onyema to engage in money laundering in order to make a quick profit. No board worth its salt would allow the CEO to engage in that kind of unethical business transaction.

They could not have authorised him to present false documents in 2019 after he was caught by the US authorities with his hands in the jar.

Apparently, Allen Onyema is the Alpha and Omega of Air Peace, and he is paying the price for this in a big way, as he is learning through the hard way that you don’t run a business as big as Air Peace, the way a trader in the Alaba international market runs his mom and pop shop.

A big lesson for my generation of entrepreneurs: structure your business.

Put proper structure in place. Incorporate sound corporate governance for your business once your revenue crosses $1 million annually.

It is for a reason, and one of them is to avoid the humiliation of seeing your pictures all over the internet as Allen Onyema is currently going through.

Despite owning an airline that flies international routes, Mr. Onyema cannot risk travelling to the U.S. and likely other nations deemed America’s allies for fear of being arrested and extradited, as was the case with Internet fraudsters Hushpuppi and Woodberry.

Air Peace is the poster boy of the Nigerian airline business, so this embarrassing story is very bad, and the optics are not good on Air Peace no matter the lens you look at it.

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As the U.S. authorities sniffed out irregularities, each hidden dollar, fictitious document, and strategic move pointed towards a meticulously orchestrated operation gone rogue. No planes, no gain, just ground-breaking revelations!

### The Takeaway In a world rampant with financial gymnastics, let’s not paint all dreamers with the same brush, but how about we learn from this rollercoaster? Advance with integrity, aim high, but remember: the truth always finds its way through the clouds.

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