Yes we know the title of this post will trigger the Woke crowd but we don’t give a Flying hoot!
There is no more question that Britney is off the rails and her latest escapades are now going down extreme danger territory.
It is without question that Britney’s penchant for voyeurism is going to land her in extremely hot water and this time we don’t think there will be any cash left in her bank account to save her.
What is truly despicable is that It seems like Britney is doing all this to grow her following on social media and of course to make money off this following meanwhile she goes around calling out her family every moment she gets
Insinuating that her family is ‘white trash’ !
Is everything that Britney is doing not ‘white trashy behaviour’ though ….we guess the apple never really falls far from the tree.
Instagram @britneyspears
followers 40.3 Million
Source @leannemaskell