What is really going on with the World we live in today….Whatever happened to respect and dignity.
Now it’s all about ‘living your best life’ fuck all repercussion and consequences!
Here is the grotesque post celebrating the despicable almost naked picture of Britney Spears below 👇
REPOSTING because some of y’all need to hear it! ➡️ ➡️ #BritneySpears’s blurry nudes prove she’s finally the one in control. “What’s shocking about the pictures is not that she’s naked — we’ve all seen Britney mostly naked before. It’s their pure, amateurish, artless honesty. They’re the kind of pictures I’d take in the middle of the night and then be too shy to even keep on my phone. They are obviously, clearly, wholly Britney and Britney alone.”
Ok what’s the deal here why are we celebrating this rubbish!
First everyone wanted her emancipated and now look what we have here a 40 year old naked woman on the loose spreading the dangerous concept that life can only be won by women if they go braless or top less.
Instagram @BritneySpears
followers 39.6 Million