Recently Andrew Tate posted on Twitter a very Dan Bilzerian-esque photo looking like the Don with a harem of women surrounding him.
Fact is Andrew Tate has been very public about his conversion to Islam . It really seemed quite strange at the time.
How does someone who is always smoking a cigar seemingly living a life of Debauchery, flaunting enormous wealth convert so publicly to Islam?
His social media growth seemed to depend on showing Men how to be top players. So how did this Islam conversion fit into the picture?
As time went on it started to seem like a very genius idea indeed.
Islam consists of people with unwavering faith. Once they deem you their saviour it’s a home run for sure. And this is what Andrew Tate quickly became to the Islam world. His social media has burgeoned into over 6.6 million die hard followers.
But Andrew Tate forgot that just as the Islam world accept you rather quickly …step out of line and you could become the devil himself to them.
It’s looking very much like the love of Andrew Tate by the Islam world is getting rather shaky indeed.
First it was his post of pizza with the wrong meat during the fasting season.
And now it is his harem like Dan Bilzerian- esque post that has got the Islamic world potentially denouncing him as their saviour.
Rather than owning it, Andrew dug himself deeper by saying the picture was an old picture and was not his way of life any more.
So why oh dear did you post it !
Make it make sense.
It is looking very much like this whole move was an ill advised marketing ploy, only time will tell for sure.
Twitter @cobratate
followers 6.6M