A lot of people might get upset, but get upset all you like it’s time to call a spade a spade.
This woman Meghan Markle is one heck of a social climber probably her most notable skill.
And the signs were all there since this relationship began.
The entire meeting was not by some love movie like chance as some might claim…Nah it was orchestrated just like a movie indeed. Scene for scene directed by no other than Meghan Markle herself, we bet the casting of Harry was not so difficult.
Most notably would be the guest list at the wedding. Most of the Slaylebrities (such as the Clooney’s, Oprah Winfrey) in attendance were not close acquaintances at all indeed it’s fair to say here that this accusation right here goes both ways both parties were climbing each other’s ladders because really why did Clooney attend the wedding if he did not really know her as he said later on.
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