Dear Finance Influencers, You Are the Most Stupid People on Earth

Listen up, because I’m about to drop some brutal, reality-smashing truth bombs that you need to hear. You finance influencers are the epitome of stupidity. You’re a walking, talking piñata filled with cash, just waiting to be smashed open by anyone suffering from the overwhelming cost of living crisis. You’re not just putting yourself at risk—you’re practically begging for it.

Flexing Wealth: The Crime Magnet

Flexing your wealth on social media is like painting a giant target on your back. Whether you made your money through legitimate means or by navigating the murky waters of illicit activities, it doesn’t matter. Either way, you’re asking for trouble. You think you’re flexing? Nah, you’re just attracting thieves, robbers, and even killers. You’re not fooling anyone; you’re only fooling yourself.

Remember Kim Kardashian in Paris? Stripped of millions in jewelry because she thought it was cute to flaunt it on Instagram. Look at the crypto millionaires who thought riding the Bitcoin wave made them invincible. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, most of them right into a robbery plot because they couldn’t resist showcasing their expensive lifestyles.

The Real Epidemic: Envy

When you parade your luxurious life in front of millions of followers who are struggling to make ends meet, you’re stirring the pot of an already boiling societal cauldron. People can barely pay their rent, buy groceries, or keep the heat on during winter. And there you are, sipping champagne in a hot tub on a Tuesday afternoon, flaunting your Rolex and bragging about your new Lamborghini. The wealth disparity is real, and it’s making people angry. You’re gaslighting an already enraged mob.

Security Isn’t Optional

Many of you think hiring security or living in a gated community is enough. Newsflash: it’s not. There are people out there far more desperate and determined than you can ever imagine. They don’t care about your security detail or your gated estate. They see you as a golden goose, and trust me, desperate people will go to extreme lengths. History repeats itself, and several influencers have learned this the hard way.

Your Ego is Your Worst Enemy

You think showcasing your wealth elevates you above the rest. In reality, it lowers your chances of survival. Your ego is feeding your need to flaunt, but your ego isn’t going to save you when someone kicks in your front door at 3 a.m. and you’re standing there in your Gucci pajamas, helplessly clutching your iPhone 14 Pro Max.

You Have a Responsibility

Think about the responsibility you have towards your audience, many of whom follow you as a source of inspiration. When you flaunt your wealth recklessly, you’re not offering inspiration; you’re sowing seeds of discontent and envy. This has repercussions. How about using your platform to educate, to level the financial playing field instead? Teach people how to fish rather than flaunting your catch.

The Bottom Line

Time to wake up, finance influencers. Stop being selfish, stop being reckless, and for God’s sake, stop being stupid. You’re not invincible—you’re just lucky for now. The clock is ticking, and if you keep playing this dangerous game of flaunt-and-taunt, your luck will run out.

You want to be a true influencer? Then influence wisely. Teach financial literacy, inspire up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and use your wealth to create positive change. If not, don’t be surprised when your next Instagram post is your last.

Stay dangerous, but stay sensible. Think, before you flex.

Yours Brutally,
Chief Unmasker of Slaylebrities

Millions of influencers
followers Billions



You finance influencers are the epitome of stupidity. You're a walking, talking piñata filled with cash, just waiting to be smashed open by anyone suffering from the overwhelming cost of living crisis.

Flexing your wealth on social media is like painting a giant target on your back.

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