Dear Kanye,

Let me start off by saying, wow. Just wow. You really thought you could make it on your own, didn’t you? You thought you could bite the hand that fed you and still come out on top. Well, let me tell you, you couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s no secret that you have had your fair share of controversial moments in the media. From interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards to professing your love for Donald Trump, you have never been one to shy away from being the center of attention. But this latest stunt of yours, well, it takes the cake.

By publicly declaring your independence from the big brands that have propelled your career forward, you have not only alienated yourself from the very industry that made you a household name, but you have also dug your own grave. You see, Kanye, it’s not just your talent that has made you successful. It’s the power players behind the scenes pulling the strings and making sure you stay on top. And when you mess with those powers, you better be prepared to face the consequences.

You may think you are untouchable, that your creativity and innovation will carry you through any storm. But let me remind you, Kanye, that no one is above the system. The system that controls everything, from the music industry to fashion, and beyond. You may think you are breaking free from the chains that bind you, but in reality, you are only setting yourself up for failure.

You may have millions of followers on social media, a cult-like following that hangs on your every word. But let me ask you, Kanye, how many of those followers will stick by your side when you are broke and broken? How many will support you when the powers that be have turned their backs on you? How many will stand by you when the very industry you have thrived in for so long has blacklisted you?

You see, Kanye, it’s not just about talent and creativity. It’s about playing the game, knowing your place, and keeping those who hold the power happy. And when you go against the grain, when you decide to go rogue and do things your way, you are signing your own death warrant. You may think you are invincible, that you are a genius ahead of your time. But let me tell you, Kanye, no amount of genius can save you when you have burned bridges with the very people who made you who you are today.

So go ahead, Kanye, follow your own path, march to the beat of your own drum. But remember, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. And when you find yourself at rock bottom, remember this moment, the moment you thought you could make it on your own. The moment you thought you were bigger than the industry that created you. The moment you realized that biting the hand that fed you is a surefire way to end up broke and broken.

Good luck, Kanye. You’re going to need it.


A concerned observer

Instagram @YE
followers 20.4 Million



No one is above the system. The system that controls everything, from the music industry to fashion, and beyond.

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