Meghan Markle: From Duchess to Clown, The Ultimate Fall From Grace

At first glance, Meghan Markle seems to perfectly epitomize the modern Cinderella story. Commoner to Duchess, landing herself a Prince on the way. However, try looking a little closer and we realize Markle’s carriage is none other than a clown car disguised as a royal carriage.

First of all, let’s address the situation of titles. Markle made quite the hue and cry about her children born with the typical silver spoon, but without the addition of royal titles. The uproar she made, verging on the point of public scandal, led to the royals caving in and granting her wish. Quite the stage she set. But now, after all the drama, the fury and the cajoling, suddenly, Markle decides she wants nothing to do with the royals. In other words, she got what she came for, and now, it’s time to move on.

This oscillation, this flightiness of attitude, would’ve been funny had it not been so pitiful. The situation scarred the dignity of the royal institution. It’s like having a pie in the face in the middle of a very serious, very important parade. We on the sidelines, holding our breaths, ready for some significant revelation, are suddenly left wiping off cream and crumbs, somewhat dazed and certainly not amused.

Just like a jester would, she used her platform to pull elaborate tricks, play mind-games. The entire world applauded while she danced in her motley, not knowing the depth of the drama being enacted behind, not realizing the gravity of the gaffe until it was too late, and we were all a part of the punchline.

We would’ve been sympathetic if her behavior stemmed from naivety, but alas, it isn’t. It’s calculated. Markle’s actions embody the worst stereotypes of Hollywood infiltrating the prim and proper confines of centuries-old traditions, reducing them to a matter of negotiation, a currency for fame and popularity.

This isn’t about royal family dynamics anymore. This is about integrity, decency, and respect, key factors which seem to be missing, clouded in the grandeur of theatrics and selective activism. Meghan Markle’s actions don’t just dent her own credibility, but they cast a pall over the institution she was so desperate to exploit for her own ends. As the adage goes, the empty can rattles the most.

As her persona slowly morphs from a Duchess to a clown, Markle’s narrative loses its charm. Instead of a symbol of modernity, she manifests as a symbol of self-serving opportunism. It saddens me to say that this isn’t the type of leaders or influencers we need, definitely not ones who attain positions only to abdicate responsibility when it suits their narrative.

Markle wanted a title for her offspring, got them, and now repeats the mantra of wanting nothing from the royals. It all just reeks of irony. Thirty minutes ago, she was all for validating her children’s royal status, now she conveniently discards her connection?

I could probably enjoy such a comedy, but this isn’t a stage, and dignity isn’t a costume to be worn and tossed away at whim. Meghan Markle surely does some great tricks, but remember – a clown’s act is always scripted, and we’re all merely spectators to the spectacle.

She will discard Harry soon

Omid Scobie Bombshells

But Harry is not free and clear of blame

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In other words, she got what she came for, and now, it's time to move on.

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