# Wake Up, People! Raf and Iyah Unmasked – Time to Quit Buying Into Their BS

Alright, let’s get real for a second. I was minding my own business, power scrolling through IG and YouTube shorts like a digital gladiator, and I stumbled upon this channel: Raf and Iyah. Now, let me break it down for you: this relationship-centric channel features a 24-year-old black woman and her 45-year-old white partner. Pause and let that age gap sink in. They started hooking up when she was a mere 19, and he was 40. That alone should set your Spidey senses tingling. But no, it gets juicier.

This girl, who preaches the “trad wife” mantra, is out here convincing impressionable women that it’s a luxurious, viable option in today’s cut-throat economic climate. Seriously? Open your eyes! While you delude yourselves into thinking you can be a pampered housewife while hubby pays all the bills, guess who’s actually winning here? Surprise, it’s the one churning out endless content for you to gobble up like deluded turkeys. This girl is raking in more cash from your clicks and views than her supposed “provider” husband ever will. She’s the breadwinner, the real powerhouse, and let’s be honest—she’s probably spending more time behind a camera than with their child.

Let’s not gloss over the fact that this dude has a daughter just a year younger than his wife. How’s that for a family dynamic that would make Freud gulp a stiff drink? Creepy doesn’t begin to cover it.

I took one look at this girl and thought she was still in her teens. She has no solid education, minimal work experience, and she’s handcuffed herself to a man who could very well toss her out when he’s had his fill. What then? What happens when the honeymoon phase ends or, heaven forbid, if he becomes abusive? She’s left with zilch to fall back on, no stable ground to stand on, and a social media career that won’t nurture her when life gets real.

Understand this: content creators are performers. They’re gonna smile, laugh, and tell you they’re living the dream because, guess what, that attracts views and fills their bank accounts. If she’s genuinely so blissful, why the constant need to validate her happiness online? Newsflash: people who are truly content don’t need to sell you on it 24/7. They live it.

I’ve seen too many online couples crash and burn. A decade ago, they met in high school or college, were close in age, and still couldn’t keep it together. What chances do you reckon this duo has in an arena that’s already stacked steeply against them? Slim to none, and slim’s packing bags.

So, stop feeding into this BS. First, this fake trad wife ideology is not sustainable. Second, the narrative this girl is feeding you is a fairy tale concocted for views, likes, and ad revenue. Disconnect from this carefully curated illusion before it poisons your reality. Invest in yourself, your education, your career. Create a life where you don’t need to shove your joy down everyone else’s throat because it speaks for itself.

Get. Real. Wake up, and smell the scam because that’s so Raf & Iyah. Clap for the illusion, but don’t buy into it.

Instagram @thatssorafandiyah
Followers: 330,000



This girl, who preaches the "trad wife" mantra, is out here convincing impressionable women that it’s a luxurious, viable option in today’s cut-throat economic climate. Seriously? Open your eyes!

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