**The Universe Guru AKA Mina Irfan Unmasked: A Decisive Takeover**

Alright, Unmasked Slaylebrity Tribe, buckle up because today we’re unmasking one of the most deplorable self help influencers gracing our digital screens—Mina Irfan, AKA The Universe Guru. You know, social media is like the Wild West; an untamed, chaotic realm where anyone, and I mean anyone, with a Wi-Fi connection and a bit of charisma can rise to temporary stardom. But oh, how fleeting that fame can be! And in the case of Mina, there’s nothing remarkable about her, her life, or the nonsense she spews.

First things first, let’s dive into the crime scene. For years, this scheming influencer artist has been preying on vulnerable, misguided women, sucking them dry of their money—charging up to $88,000 for “personal coaching.” And what does she provide? Absolute garbage. Is it technically illegal? Maybe not. But moral bankruptcy? You bet. The gullibles who paid need to learn a hard lesson, but the audacity of Mina’s actions deserves global ridicule.

The cancel mob has a new target, ladies and gentlemen, and it’s about damn time. Mina has got away with her shady dealings long enough. The internet is unforgiving, and every trick and scheme of hers is now out in the open for the world to see. Her reign is over, the facade shattered, and the veil irreparably lifted. This is the end of an era—a rotten era of deceit and manipulation.

The rot runs deep in the Irfan clan. Mina has been grooming her children to perpetuate her dirty deeds. Here’s the kicker: she ropes her own kids into this disgrace. She has groomed them to play the family game of deceit and exploitation. One son gives special treatment to victims she sends in by the “boatload”, while another runs some shop peddling worthless garbage to these victims. Trickery is the family business. They know the game and they play it ruthlessly, all to enjoy the spoils. Trickery ain’t just a business for them—it’s a family legacy. They know it, they love it, and they’ve been milking it for all it’s worth.

And here’s the kicker—Mina could have easily invested her ill-gotten gains into something decent. Start an honest business. But no! She’s addicted to the high life, a lifestyle that’s miles above what she and her husband could sustain legitimately. She could have created real value, something meaningful and sustainable. But no, the easy life of scheming is too beckoning, too addictive for her and her lackluster husband to resist. Cue the inevitable: more schemes, more deception, more ruining of lives.

Mina’s a charlatan through and through, sticking to smokes and mirrors because, let’s face it, she has zero legitimate marketable skills. No degree, no real talent—just a knack for deception. The problem is, Mina is hooked on a lifestyle way above her real capabilities. This luxury life demands continuous and creative conning. Heck, she even admits it! She even boasts about conning her husband, Irfan, into marrying her. What do you expect from a woman who practically considers herself divine?

Why do I care? Because people like Mina are an insult to real hustlers out there, the ones who grind with integrity and face hardships with their heads held high. Mina’s empire was built on a foundation of lies and deceit, and now it’s coming crashing down. The Universe Guru is getting her comeuppance, and rightly so.

So, ladies, don’t fall for the charlatans like Mina Irfan. Invest your time, money, and energy into *genuine* growth and real value creation. False prophets like her don’t deserve a single ounce of your precious attention.

Wake up, world! Mina Irfan’s time is done. She architected a kingdom built on lies, and now it’s crumbling to dust. The cancel mob and the collective force of outraged netizens have spoken. The message is clear: your days of exploitation are numbered. Tick-tock, Mina. Tick-tock.

The lesson here is clear: live authentically, work hard, and shun the shams. It’s time to reclaim your power. The Universe Guru is unmasked. The game is over.

Stay sharp. Stay hustling.

Chief Unmasker of Slaylebrities out.

TRIVIA: Worst thing she ever said, saying God told her to have plastic surgery!!!

Looks like Mina fucked with the wrong customer, she’s exposing everything!!!


Did she resort to fake reviews???

Instagram: @theuniverseguru_lifestyle
followers 118,000



For years, this scheming influencer artist has been preying on vulnerable, misguided women, sucking them dry of their money—charging up to $88,000 for personal coaching. And what does she provide? Absolute garbage. Is it technically illegal? Maybe not. But moral bankruptcy? You bet. The gullibles who paid need to learn a hard lesson, but the audacity of Mina’s actions deserves global ridicule.

Source: @theuniverseguru_lifestyle

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