Dear Jessica Nwokike blood is thicker than money…..
Jessica Nwokike a part of former girl sister music group Vanjess has announced quite publicly and dramatically on Instagram that her sister decided to leave the group and she will be starting a new career on her own plus taking over the @Vanjess highly engaged Instagram page on her own.
What is curious is she states that her sister Ivana gave her blessing for her to take over the Instagram page.
It is our belief that is most likely highly unlikely. The vanjess insta page was built on the back of both their efforts and hard work for one party to take it over is quite curious.
A more classy thing for Jessica to do would have been to continue her new career on her own Instagram page with 21.9 K followers but of course Jessica AKA Amaka is not thinking this is good enough for her to rise to fame quickly.
The Vanjess page was wiped completely off all traces of the duo save for the one and only post where she makes the mind blowing announcement . This does not look or sound fair.
If Jessica is so confident in her talent to stand alone she should stay on her own insta page.
We are glad she also deleted all the EXTRA raunchy photos she had on her own Instagram page. Sell your talent not your body.
At the end of the day with fame comes greed.
Instagram @jessnwokike
followers 21.9K