Let me break it down for you, because this topic has been burning a hole in my brain for quite some time now. Let’s talk about these so-called ‘Slaylebrities’ who adopt kids from third world countries as if they are accessories to add to their fashionable lifestyles.
First and foremost, let’s take a look at Madonna, the Queen of Pop herself. This woman, who is literally a walking billboard for self-hatred and plastic surgery, decided it would be a great idea to adopt not one, but two children from Malawi. Now, don’t get me wrong, adoption is a beautiful thing when done for the right reasons. However, when you have someone like Madonna swooping in and snatching up children from their homes in developing countries, one has to question the morals she will instill in these unsuspecting innocent souls.
What kind of doctrines will she get them to adopt? Will they grow up thinking that material possessions and fame are the only things that matter in life? Will they be taught that their worth is based on how many Instagram followers they have or how many designer labels they can flaunt? Will they be brought up to follow the good path ? It’s a scary thought, to say the least.
And let’s not forget about the cultural impact of these adoptions. These children are being taken from their homes, their roots, and their heritage, only to be thrust into a world they may never fully understand. They are being robbed of their identity, their language, and their sense of belonging. Is this really in their best interest? Or would they have been better off remaining in their own countries, surrounded by their own people and their own culture?
But of course, these Slaylebrities don’t see it that way. They see these children as nothing more than trophies to add to their collection. They parade them around on red carpets and post pictures of them on social media for the world to see. It’s all a facade, a charade to make themselves look like saviors when in reality, they are doing more harm than good.
And let’s not even get started on the issue of white savior complex. These Slaylebrities swoop in, white knights on their high horses, thinking they are saving these poor, helpless children from a life of poverty and despair. But the truth is, these children have families, communities, and a support system that they are being ripped away from. They are not charity cases for these Slaylebrities to rescue and then discard when they grow tired of them.
So, what can we do about this? How can we stop these Slaylebrities from exploiting these vulnerable children for their own selfish gain? We can start by calling them out, by shining a light on their actions and holding them accountable for the harm they are causing. We can educate ourselves and others on the complexities of international adoption and the ethical considerations that must be taken into account. And most importantly, we can support organizations and initiatives that aim to keep families together and empower communities to take care of their own.
To wrap this up, let’s not be fooled by these Slaylebrities and their flashy displays of pseudo-compassion. Let’s be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and advocate for a more ethical and sustainable approach to international adoption. Let’s make sure that these children are not just accessories to be flaunted, but individuals with rights, dignity, and a voice of their own. Let’s do better, for them and for ourselves.
Instagram @Madonna
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