Alright, listen up people, because I’ve got something to say and I’m not going to sugarcoat it. This trend of influencers showing themselves breastfeeding needs to stop. I’m tired of seeing it all over my feed, and I know I’m not the only one.

Now, some of you may be thinking, “Oh, but they’re just trying to show mothers what to do.” But here’s the thing – there are perverts everywhere, and they are even more noticeable on social media. It’s distasteful and wrong to put something so personal and intimate on display for the whole world to see.

I understand that breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful thing, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be shared with the entire internet. Keep your private business private. There are plenty of private communities and support groups where mothers can share their experiences and seek advice from others who can relate. There’s no need to blast it to the world.

And what about the children? Do you think your child is going to be okay with you sharing these intimate moments with the world? How will they feel when they grow up and realize their mother put their most vulnerable moments on display for everyone to see? But hey, anything for likes and money, right?

I’m not saying that breastfeeding should be hidden away in shame. Not at all. I believe that mothers should be able to breastfeed their children wherever and whenever they need to. But there’s a difference between doing it in public when necessary and flaunting it for likes and attention on social media.

I’ll tell you what really grinds my gears about this whole trend. It’s the fact that these influencers are taking something so personal and intimate and turning it into a spectacle for the entertainment of others. They’re turning motherhood into a performance, and it’s sickening.

Here’s the bottom line: breastfeeding is a personal and private act between a mother and her child. It’s not something that needs to be put on display for the world to see. If you want to share your breastfeeding journey, do it in a private and vetted community where it can be appreciated and respected for what it is – a beautiful and natural bond between a mother and her child.

I get it, everyone wants to be an influencer these days. They see the likes and the followers and they think it’s the key to success and happiness. But at what cost? What are they willing to sacrifice for a few more double taps on their Instagram posts? It’s despicable.

So, to all you influencers out there who think it’s a good idea to share your breastfeeding journey with the world, I have one thing to say to you – just stop. Stop exploiting motherhood for attention and validation. Stop turning something so personal and intimate into a public spectacle. And most importantly, stop putting your child’s most vulnerable moments on display for the world to see.

Let’s bring some dignity back to motherhood, shall we? Let’s keep the private moments private and the intimate moments intimate. It’s time to put an end to this trend of influencers showing themselves breastfeeding, once and for all.

PS: This influencer actually identifies as a witch, are you still surprised?

Instagram @ash_novickas
followers 9000



They’re turning motherhood into a performance, and it’s sickening. I’m tired of seeing it all over my feed, and I know I’m not the only one.

Source: @ash_novickas

We don’t want to see this crap...PS: This influencer actually identifies as a witch, are you still surprised?

Source: @ash_novickas

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