The Paradox of Slaylebrities: Trading Virtue for Virality?

Listen, I’m no Victorian stick-in-the-mud. I get it – sex sells, and Slaylebrities are the living embodiments of this axiom. However, when this trend pushes the threshold of taste over tastelessness, it’s time we hold a mirror up to our culture.

What I can’t wrap my champion brain around is the glaring inconsistency in their mantra. On one hand, they champion women’s rights, scream about objectification, and rightly lambast men for inappropriate behaviour. Yet, on the other, they are disrobing with reckless abandon, weaponizing their bodies for profit with no regard for the consequences or the mixed messages they are sending.

Being a Slaylebrity means having a platform with global reach. Millions of impressionable minds are watching, taking cues on more than just fashion sense. What example does it set if their idols poke at the feral instincts of viewers and then turn around and cry foul when treated as objects? It’s like baiting a bull and then complaining when it charges.

Aren’t these the very celebrities who cheer for body positivity and acceptance? All their lofty speeches about confidence and self-love fade into hypocrisy when their actions scream otherwise. They’re sending a message, that the path to success and wealth is paved by commodifying oneself, selling skin instead of talent.

Consciously exploiting their bodies as a commodity, how distinct are Slaylebrities from Only Fans stars, or dare I say, sex workers? Both groups peddle their skin for rapt admirers, and rake in the cash. Only difference? One sits in a gilded mansion while the other may lurk in the shadowed corners of the Internet or the street. They are all guilty if you look closely Beyonce included!!!

Don’t get it twisted, this is not an outright judgement of the professions – but it does beg the question: shouldn’t we encourage our society’s influencers to focus more on expanding their minds, not their wardrobes – or lack thereof?

In a world where our idea of success hovers around Instagram likes and viral TikTok dances, what happened to being admired for intellect, talent, hard work, and ambition? Demi Lovato singing her heart out to a crowd? Now that’s admirable. Emily Blunt delivering a stellar performance? That’s stellar. Malala Yousafzai standing up to the Taliban? That’s bravery. Do we see them flashing skin? No.

Let’s see their intelligence, resilience, talent – not their naked exploits. Slaylebrities, you’ve got the stage, the spotlight, and the voice. Use them to make positive changes, propagate empowering, achievable paradigms – not ones bathed in the unforgiving glare of ceaseless exposure. Rest assured, if you have real talent to show, we’ll still be here to applaud, maybe even louder. Because when the clothes come off, it’s not just the fabric that’s cheapened – it’s the very principle we stand for.

Remember, valuable things never seek attention. So, rise up, Slaylebrities, and give us something more substantial to gaze upon. It’s high time you became the change you’d like to see in the world.

Instagram @kimkardashian
followers 364 million


What is Kim wearing??? Definitely a walking ad with scary looking mum Kris for ozempic

Spilling it out with little ones in tow so distasteful

The height of prostitution there is no difference

Hailey Beiber is the only real person in this photo

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