It seems that the world has gone mad over Victoria’s Secret’s recent decision to use overweight models to showcase their lingerie. Some nincompoops and unwise people are applauding the move as a step towards body positivity and inclusivity, while others are dismayed at the company’s apparent disregard for its core customers and brand image. But let me tell you something, unmasked Slaylebrity tribe, Victoria’s Secret has every right to make this decision. In fact, they have every right to fail if they so choose.
Now, before you start screaming about how insensitive I am, let me explain. Victoria’s Secret is a business, first and foremost. And like any business, they have the right to make their own choices : a choice to win or a choice to fail. If they stupidly believe that using overweight models will attract a new demographic and boost sales, then more power to them. After all, business has a way of teaching the daft a painful permanent lesson.
It’s not rocket science- businesses, especially ones as iconic as Victoria’s Secret, need to tread carefully when it comes to changing their image and alienating their core customer base. For years, Victoria’s Secret has built its brand around a certain image of beauty – one that is often criticized for being unrealistic and exclusionary. By suddenly shifting gears and embracing a more diverse range of models, the company risks losing its loyal customers who have come to associate the brand with a particular standard of beauty.
And that’s where the real danger lies. Victoria’s Secret may think they are being progressive and forward-thinking by featuring overweight models, but in reality, they are playing a dangerous game. By trying to please everyone, they may end up pleasing no one. And as the saying goes, if you stand for everything, you stand for nothing.
So, let Victoria’s Secret do as they please. Let them crash and burn if that’s what they choose. At the end of the day, it’s their prerogative. But make no mistake, that is exactly how Victoria’s Secret will end up – a forgotten brand, a cautionary tale of what happens when a company loses sight of its core values and customer base.
To wrap this up, Victoria’s Secret may be making headlines now for their controversial decision to use overweight models, but in the grand scheme of things, it may end up being just a blip on the radar. The fashion industry is fickle, trends come and go, but true success comes from staying true to your core values and principles. And if Victoria’s Secret chooses to ignore that, then they have no one to blame but themselves when they fade into obscurity. Let them do as they please, but don’t be surprised when it all comes crashing down. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles in the cutthroat world of business.
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