Daddy I met a Prince….
How can a woman who perpetually leeches off Men be labelled independent?

She leeched off her Father, Harry, various previous Men.

Each time once received she dumps.

Her family has come back in the form of a documentary to bite her in the ass.

I’m happy they have this opportunity to respond and give their side after everything that has been said and done. Just like MM has stated that everyone has a voice and shouldn’t be afraid to use it.

It’s such a cautionary tale of parenting, societal factors, birth order, or simply the luck of the draw. Very Shakespearean. Thomas Markle is in the same position as King Charles. Both dealing with spoiled, insecure adult children making the end of their lives more difficult than it needs to be.

Be interesting to see if it comes full circle and the Sussex’s children do the same to their parents.

People have forgiven criminals who have murdered their children and asked for forgiveness how is it that Humanitarian Meghan Markle Self proclaimed do gooder of the World cannot!

Instagram @archewell_hm, @sussexroyal
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Daddy I met a Prince!.. How can a woman who perpetually leeches off Men be labelled independent?

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