Listen up, you clueless sheep! Kelly Rowland, the ever so eager cheerleader for Meghan Markle, thinks she knows everything about royalty. It’s laughable, really! Just because she met Meghan a couple of times, she suddenly believes she’s an expert on the British Royal Family. Give me a break!

First of all, let’s get some clarity here. Meghan Markle wasn’t born into royalty, she married into it. So Kelly’s claim that Meghan was “royal before she was in that family” is absurd. It’s like saying you’re a doctor before you even go to medical school. How delusional can one be?

But hey, don’t worry, because according to Kelly Rowland, we are all apparently royalty deep down. Yeah, right! I guess she forgot that being royal involves more than just a fancy title. It’s about heritage, tradition, and a royal bloodline – none of which apply to Meghan pre-marriage. So Kelly, please spare us your love for hyperbole and false grandeur.

Let’s not forget that Kelly Rowland herself is nothing more than a social climber. She forgot meeting Meghan before the recent Beyonce concert. Why? Because Meghan at the time wasn’t Royal like Kelly would like you to believe, Nah she was so insignificant that Kelly didn’t remember meeting her all those years ago. But now she’s actually Royal Kelly can’t seem to stop waxing lyrics about her …pathetic! It’s clear that she’s just trying to hobnob with Markle who has successfully weasels herself into the Royal fold. Maybe she figures if she stands close enough to Meghan, she’ll get a taste of that royal spotlight as well.

So, Kelly Rowland, before you continue spewing your nonsensical opinions, take a step back and actually educate yourself on what it means to be royal. And maybe, just maybe, stop being such a desperate wannabe. It’s time to wake up from your delusions and realize that you don’t become royal just by association. Until then, keep your laughable comments to yourself, because nobody wants to hear it.

SIDE NOTE: Has anyone noticed how H&M’S Suspicious social media foundation account archewell_hm is getting more suspicious by the second. Recently they’ve been posting old posts in preparation for no doubt Meghans arrival back on social media. The same social media she was so against not too long ago Gosh these two are so irritating and gross, its either that or the account has been hacked which would be a blessing.

Instagram @archewell_hm, @sussexroyal
followers 91.1K; 9.3M



It’s funny how everyone now thinks they can just be royal. Kelly Rowland is Meghan Markle’s latest yes woman.

People are getting spooked out by the strange shenenigans going on the archewell social media page

More like irritated Much

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