Listen up, people. We need to have a serious conversation about the current state of our society and the so-called “influencers” that are poisoning the minds of our youth. Adam Grandmaison, also known as ADAM22, Neon AKA N30N, Rubi Rose, and the Paul brothers are just a few examples of the morally corrupt individuals who are becoming role models for our children. It’s time to wake up and take a stand against these degenerate influencers who are dragging our society down the dark path of degradation and immorality.

Let’s start with the infamous Adam Grandmaison, also known as ADAM22. This man’s claim to fame is his association with the world of hip hop and his podcast “No Jumper.” While he may have built a following through his connections in the music industry, his content is far from suitable for impressionable young minds. ADAM22 has been involved in numerous controversies, including allegations of sexual misconduct, and his podcast often features explicit discussions about sex, drugs, and violence. In fact his new venture is basically pumping out his wife, Is this really the kind of person we want our children looking up to?

Next, we have Neon AKA N30N, a social media personality known for his provocative content and outrageous behavior. Neon has garnered attention for his risqué photos and controversial statements, often glorifying a lifestyle of excess and materialism. With his explicit posts and scandalous behavior, it’s no wonder that he has become a polarizing figure in the influencer world. Yet, despite the blatant disregard for decency, Neon continues to amass a following of impressionable young fans who are being indoctrinated with his toxic messages.

Then there’s Rubi Rose, who has made a name for herself as an “Instagram model” and rapper. Her content is rife with sexuality and materialism, promoting an image of superficiality and narcissism. Young girls are looking up to her as a role model, aspiring to emulate her lifestyle of extravagance and objectification. This is not the message we should be sending to our children. In fact it’s been revealed that she’s created fake only fans clients to make her seem more in demand than she actually is. We need to hold influencers like Rubi Rose accountable for the detrimental impact they are having on the impressionable minds of the next generation.

Finally, the Paul brothers, Jake and Logan, have become synonymous with controversy and scandal. From their outrageous stunts to their offensive behavior, the Paul brothers have cultivated a brand built on shock value and controversy. Their fame has been built on the exploitation of their audience and the glorification of irresponsible and reckless behavior. These are not the individuals we should be allowing our children to idolize.

Influencers have a responsibility to be positive role models for their audience, especially when a significant portion of their following consists of young, impressionable individuals. It’s time for us, as a society, to demand more from these influencers. We cannot sit idly by and allow the moral compass of our youth to be swayed by the degenerate influences of these individuals. It’s time to hold them accountable for the negative impact they are having on our society.

We need to teach our children the value of integrity, empathy, and respect, rather than feeding them a steady diet of debauchery and depravity. It’s time to demand better from our influencers and for our children to have positive role models to look up to. Let’s raise a generation of leaders, not followers, by taking a stand against these morally corrupt influencers. It’s time to clean up the influencer industry and protect the values and morals that are essential for a thriving society.

Instagram @loganpaul and others
followers 27 Million +



We need to teach our children the value of integrity, empathy, and respect, rather than feeding them a steady diet of debauchery and depravity. It's time to demand better from our influencers and for our children to have positive role models to look up to.

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