Anyone who would pay Meghan Markle $100,000 for a speech deserves to be grifted!

Listen up, cuz this is gonna be good! The Duchess of Woke, AKA Meghan Markle, is apparently asking for a whopping 100,000 USD for a single speech. And what’s in that speech, you ask? Nothing but a whole lot of word salad, folks!

Seriously, who does this lady think she is? I mean, I get it – she’s a former actress-turned-royalty, and that’s supposed to mean something. But let’s be real here: just because someone is famous doesn’t automatically make them worth that kind of cash. Let alone someone as devious as Markle.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think anyone in their right mind would pay 100 grand to hear Meghan Markle spout off a bunch of vague, clichéd statements about “empowerment” and “change.” Don’t get me wrong, those are all great things, but come on – there’s nothing groundbreaking or particularly insightful about them.

Plus, let’s not forget that Meghan has been involved in her fair share of controversies lately. From her suspicious near death experience in New York to her decision to step back from royal duties (and escape to Canada), she hasn’t exactly been the picture of grace under pressure.

So, to all you potential buyers out there: save your money, folks. Trust me, you’re not missing out on anything by skipping Meghan’s pricey speaking engagement. There are plenty of other (and more deserving) speakers out there who will actually offer some real value for your money.

In the end, Meghan Markle might think she’s worth 100,000 bucks for her words, but let’s be real here – she’s just a washed up weak celebrity trying to cash in on her royal fame. And that’s a load of baloney, if you ask me!

Thanks for tuning in, guys. Catch you on the flip side!

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Anyone who would pay Meghan Markle $100,000 for a speech deserves to be grifted!

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