Ryan Pineda is playing a dangerous game.

Recently several YouTube finance influencers have been severely damaged and some have even gone to jail for promoting fake dreams to their unsuspecting subscribers.

Ryan Pineda in a recent podcast shared on YouTube can be seen showcasing the latest AirBNB so called millionaires Bryson Blocker and wife Inayah McMillan.

From the look of things it’s either Pineda was paid for this feature or he is trying to leverage on their recent YouTube viral status.

These two are 20 years old and began this business not too long ago. They claim to have made three million dollars in three months.

What is quite obvious very quickly is that the bulk of this money is being made from selling courses to people desperate to make money online.

If someone is so successful from a certain business why is the majority of their income coming from the course rather than the business?

It’s the same old YouTube game again rehashed in husband and wife format.

Think Alex Hormozi and wife that’s probably the play book being followed which was also copied from Grant Cardone.

It doesn’t take a genius to see very clearly what’s really going on here.

When Bryson Blocker is asked where he got the original $100K for his options trading his answer is darn right suspicious and telling.

Their course began at $50 and is now going for over $1500. Some people have even paid $4000 for various spin offs.

If it sounds too good to be true IT IS…You’ve been warned.

The gamification of real estate

youtube @inayahmcmillan
followers 83.7K


Stop chasing the next shiny object

Source: Instagram @inayahmcmillan

Lots and lots of holes in this story

How did they get land lords to come onboard really ?

Pineda needs to be stupendously careful who he promotes

If you’ve ever run a real business you will know BE when you see it

Some people are already calling them out

They make money from selling courses for sure

Save your money You’ve been warned

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